Meet Anna Neff (arosebyname)
Bead Art Originals welcomes Anna Neff! Anna's Etsy shop, where she sells original beadwoven art pieces (both jewelry and home decor), is called ARoseByName. Her shop name is a tribute to both the Shakespeare quote and her mother, who was her biggest supporter and salesperson.
Anna is an artist, a wife, and the mother of two teenage daughters with whom she first began beading over a decade ago. Through the years, the beads have gotten smaller and the designs more intricate; and although her daughters no longer bead, they do enjoy wearing their mother's creations.
In addition to running her Etsy shop, Anna works at a donut shop in the "real world." Inspired by nature - the ocean, water, and sky - she enjoys beading and finds it to be good therapy for stress.
Anna and one of her daughters recently paid tribute to her mother and her mother-in-law by participating in the annual walk/run for OROC (OutRun Ovarian Cancer). OROC's goal is to raise awareness about the disease and to help researchers develop an early detection test.
If you subscribe to Step-by-Step Beads, or if you happened to pick up the July/August issue in your local store or newsstand, you would have seen Anna's Geometric Gemtones even-count peyote bracelet featured in the magazine.
Check out Anna's blog, A Rose By Name, and her flickr photostream to see more of her work. You're also invited to visit Anna's Etsy shop, A Rose By Name, to see her current listings. Here's a sampling of the lovely pieces you'll find there.